Suddenly Allergy to Wooden Ear Plugs? Learn How to Clean Them Safely

If you use wooden earplugs, you may be experiencing an allergic reaction. If so, you should take measures to avoid getting the reaction. Read on to learn more about the warning signs of an allergy, how to clean your wooden earplugs, and how to prevent an allergic reaction.

Symptoms of An Allergic Reaction to Wooden Earplugs

A wood allergy can result in many symptoms, including burning, itchiness, or blistering. A person may also experience swelling of the lymph nodes or discharge. In some cases, the symptoms can also be indicative of an infection. In this case, the symptoms may be more severe but usually last only a short time.

How to Clean Wooden Earplugs

If you are suddenly allergic to wooden earplugs, you can learn how to clean them safely. This approach can be used for golden earring as well. First, you need to soak them in clean water. To make the process easier, you can also use a toothbrush to scrub the earplugs. A solution of hydrogen peroxide is also effective. Afterward, you should leave them to dry. Once they are dry, you can wear them again. Besides these steps, you should also keep them clean in other ways. This routine will prevent them from becoming dirty and filled with bacteria.

If you have glass plugs, you should clean them regularly. This will prevent bacteria from accumulating in the plugs. Glass plugs can be cleaned with antibacterial soap and water. But make sure to use warm water. Warm water will help remove the sebum and skin buildup that can harm the plugs. You should also use a toothpick to clean the hard-to-reach areas.

While cleaning glass plugs, you should avoid cleaning them with household glass cleaner. The residue left behind can cause skin irritation and chemical burns. Moreover, you should avoid wearing plugs that look like they have seen better days. You may not be able to clean them properly if they are worn and damaged.

The best way to clean wooden earplugs is to use vegetable oil or ash leaves. A few drops of this mixture can remove sulfur plugs. You can also use a brush dipped in wax to cover the gaps. Then, you should remove the plug from your ear. If it is made of sulfur, this method will not work as the sulfur plugs can be too dense and close to the eardrum.

How to Prevent An Allergic Reaction to Wooden Earplugs

Wooden ear plugs are made of different materials. While plastics and polymers have become very popular, wood has been used as an ear plug material for centuries. Wood is lightweight, and it is porous, which means that it will allow the lobe to breathe. This will result in a healthier piercing and a better experience wearing the plug. Plus, wood is attractive, and many people enjoy the natural beauty of it.


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