Wooden Blog

  • August 09, 2020

How to Frame a Wooden Jigsaw Puzzle

The wooden jigsaw puzzle has quickly become a popular past time for many. Whether it is a personal hobby or something fun to do with the whole family, it surely is an enjoyable activity. With many different styles of wooden jigsaw puzzles currently on the market, doing your research before buying the right one will be most beneficial to your...

  • August 06, 2020

How Do You Make a Wooden Garbage Box?

Garbage containers are very useful if you want to start recycling. If you are thinking about purchasing or building a new garbage container, there are a few things that you should keep in mind. If you purchase one that is not constructed properly, you will likely have to replace it sooner than later, so you may consider making your own...

  • July 23, 2020

Types of Chess Boards

Different types of chess boards are available. Each type of board has advantages and disadvantages. Each type of chess board has different materials to consider when choosing a board. Wooden Chess Boards Traditional wooden chess boards are the oldest types of chess boards, made of a hard wood, like oak. These boards have a very distinctive appearance, and were popular...

  • June 30, 2020

What is a Meat Hammer?

Many people wonder what is a meat hammer? This kind of hammer can be a very good investment if you want to tenderdize a meat and if you are a person who wants to have this tool for your kitchen, you should make sure that you do the proper research first. The right tools will be good for you, but...

  • June 24, 2020

8 Different Types of Wooden Kitchenware

Wooden style kitchenware can add a very natural and relaxing look to a room. You do not want to go overboard with these and create an overly polished appearance. Wood kitchenware that is stylish and easy to clean also adds a sense of style to the room. For this reason, most people prefer to have a variety of colors, designs,...

  • June 18, 2020

DIY Wood Coasters - How To Keep Them from Cracking

A lot of people do wood coasters. We started over at the bandsaw and this is a Laguna 14b X and you want to make sure the entire piece clears. There is also the case where you get the cut started and then the very peak if it doesn't quite clear. Here's another good tip: eight millimeters are the perfect...

  • June 15, 2020

5 Unique Wood Staining Techniques

We tried out five different techniques for staining wood using products. You might already have in your household . They are very useful for wooden furniture, such as wooden tables or even for wooden ladder for tree climbing. We're going to create two samples for each one. One pine and one on red oak. You need to make a very concentrated...

  • May 31, 2020

How to Make a Wooden Necklace...

Welcome to another HOW TO by Wooden Earth. Today, we're going to show you how to make our Mala necklace using different wood tones. This Mala necklace is constructed using eight millimeter red jasper round gemstones. We have a 12 millimeter red jasper, guru bead. We have seven millimeter pewter beads for my cord. We are using pearl cotton in...

  • May 15, 2020

How to Make Wooden Earrings with Cricut...

We are going to explain here how to how to make wooden earrings with Cricut Maker and a knife blade. You will need some stuff : 1/32" inch fish hooks by Basswood, round shape jump rings (6mm), a set of decent pliers, adhesive sticky foil or adhesive transfer tape (vinyl) and optionally Acrylic Paints Go to Cricut Design Space. Change...

  • May 01, 2020

What is the Best Wood For Rings ?

So we thought we would write up about our attempt at having a go making wooden rings using the: Wood ID Kit. This was the one sent to us. It includes a whopping 50 different sheets of veneer! Some of them are the same tree species just cut differently, and a lot of these are exotic woods, so this is...

  • April 21, 2020

How to Make a Wooden Jewelry Box

They say that diamonds are a girl's best friend. Well, today we're gonna show you that you don't have to spend thousands of dollars to win a place in her heart. In fact, you can do it by building a beautiful wooden jewelry box for her to store the jewelry she already has. We're throwing another log on the fire...

  • April 13, 2020

How to Make a Wooden Clock from Scratch

Have you ever thought about building your own wooden clock? Apparently people do it. Absolutely awesome process, very tedious and we got a little article here to show you exactly what this process looks like. This clock that we're building could be a gift for your daughter and this is something you can pass on to her when she eventually...

  • November 27, 2019

The Benefits of Woodworking Projects For Beginners

Some of you out there may be experienced woodworking experts and would be able to share the joys and stress busting benefits of getting involved in woodworking projects be they small or large. Creating pieces of woodcraft is an excellent way to relieve stress and relax; it is an escape from the hustle and bustle of busy modern day life....

  • November 27, 2019

5 Tips For Woodworkers / Woodworking Beginners

We have some tips to pass on to our fellow woodworkers. These tips are for beginning and seasoned woodworkers. There are new tricks being discovered all the time that even pro's may not be aware of. You can use these tips whether you are crafting wood boxes or making a furniture.  Woodworking Tips For Beginners Tape is a real woodworkers...



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